FAQ 7...
Wouldn't it be better to just create a site (or app) specifically for our Church/ministry?
*NOTE: This Q&A is regarding the "GIVEAWAYS" & "NEEDS" Categories
NO. For three big reasons...
The first big reason (and this is perhaps the most obvious reason), making your own site (or app) specifically for your Church & ministries will COST YOU: time, money, staffing, or any combination of them (or even other unforeseen costs). Creating your own site requires you to INVEST. If you go for an app, that will cost even more and complicate the issue with things such as downloadability and compatibility among different devices.
But by using SeekOrServe.com you eliminate the need for any sort of cost in terms of manpower, funding, scheduling issues, time constraints, and on and on and on and on...PLUS you use a site that is optimized for mobile devices and even "feels" like an app when used in optional "mobile mode" on devices such as phones, iPads, etc.
This is 100% FREE, optimized for mobile devices, & fully set up for IMMEDIATE implementation.
The second big reason why it's NOT better to create a site just for your Church or ministry is so that people won't think you're just out to promote your own Church (or "app" download) and get more people coming to fill up services and increase financial giving. Let's face it. Sadly, that's how many (if not most) people in society view Churches and ministries.
But by promoting a site that is international and non-denominational, with no ties to any one specific Church or organization (and no "apps" to download), you can virtually fully eliminate the question of dubious motive. You can easily & TRUTHFULLY say to any critic, "We're not just out to get people to come to OUR Church or OUR group or ministry. We're out to OBEY The Saviour & actually LOVE ONE ANOTHER. That site we're telling you to go to and use....it's not even our site, and it's not even affiliated with our denomination! It has NO specific Church or other organizational group ties. It's just there for us to use to obey The Saviour's command to love!"
With that kind of message and Church image, it is overwhelmingly easy to attract people to your Church & ministries. You are calling people not just to "a Church" but to a higher calling where they are part of a worldwide movement of TRUE CHRISTIAN LOVE in OBEDIENCE TO THE LORD (John 13:34-35).
The third big reason why it's NOT better to create a site just for your Church or ministry is a bit more subtle but easily the real game-changer. This is where, even with no apparent Church or denominational ties, this can actually promote and grow your Church unlike anything you've ever seen or heard of. Just think about this for a minute...
If the site people use is specific to your organization, then there would be no urgent reason for them to enter a Church or ministry affiliation because the site is already connected to a "base" location. But by having a neutral and international site that has no ties to any group, it becomes more important for listings to include a Church or ministry affiliation so that people can have a better idea of where needs are to be met. In order for you to maximize your exposure and further promote your Church and ministries worldwide, this little but important detail is VITAL. Here's how and why....
What we're doing is more than simply obeying the command to love one another. We are striving to actually advertise, market, and fully promote your Church & ministries on a global scale as much as we possibly can. To that end, creating a scenario where people CONSTANTLY enter your Church and ministry contact details on listings on the worldwide web (NOT just an "app" but an ACTUAL SITE), which are over time "indexed" & utilized by search engines like Google - this scenario is a CHURCH GROWTH GOLDMINE...(keep reading)....
Over time, as you encourage more and more people to love one another and meet needs through SeekorServe.com, the simple act of entering your Church and ministry contact details repeatedly on the internet (rather than just a mobile "app") will have a tremendous positive impact on increasing awareness of your Church & ministries....
Search engine giants like Google, Yahoo, & MSN/BIng are always on the lookout for names and addresses that pop up repeatedly on the internet (instead of just "apps"), and they track what people are doing online 24/7 (whether it be by computer/laptop or mobile device).
As these search engines "see" your Church and ministry names appear more frequently online, and by an ever-growing number of different people (as you continually urge people to use the site for sharing needs and loving one another), they will begin to give higher priority to listing your Church and ministries on internet and even mobile searches that occur every second of every day of every year...
Using www.SeekOrServe.com to its fullest potential will help create a "buzz" where people are always "talking" about your Church & ministries. This ultimately points more people to YOUR Church, helping your ministries thrive and grow naturally, easily, and EXPONENTIALLY.
And this is all done in a way where people do NOT feel like they're advertising your Church. All they're doing is obeying Jesus Christ's command to love one another...
It just so happens that they're going about it in a way where they become a massive FREE marketing & promotional force that works around the clock for YOUR Church & ministries...
Entering information on the internet that lists a specific organization again and again 24/7, to be eventually indexed and listed by search engines all over the world, is widely considered "marketing gold" for any individual or group that is serious about promotion and growth (especially in a digital information high-tech age).
SeekOrServe.com achieves this for you in a way that costs you NO MONEY AT ALL and takes only one (1) minute each month from people whom you get involved.
Bottom line: You pay NOTHING. You invest NOTHING. But you get a 24/7 ever-growing advertising, marketing, and promotional force that works to grow your Church & ministries around the clock, WORLDWIDE!