24/7 Ministry, 24/7 Outreach, &
24/7 Church Growth
As a free online resource for Churches to get their congregations informing & contacting each other about needs & giveaways, www.SeekOrServe.com helps people freely meet needs in real-time 24/7. Asking for only one minute a month from people, it features FREE items & services & is designed for Christians to transform their communities into Christ-like environments exploding with 24/7 ministry, 24/7 outreach, & 24/7 Church growth.
When we say "needs" we mean REAL needs - computers, clothes, transportation, prayer, yardwork, cleaning, food, funds, housing, visitation, health, medical, legal, counseling, electronics, furniture, school supplies, office equipment, appliances, construction, baby-sitting, tutoring, toys, and on and on!
The thing is, people in your Church & ministries have a multitude of untapped resources including things they need & things they can give... they just need the opportunity to make those needs & giveaways known so they can be unleashed to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ, in a genuine, practical, and tangible way that results in EXPONENTIAL CHURCH GROWTH.
This is an amazing & innovative free new tool empowering EVERYONE in your Church to easily & effectively love one another through real acts of kindness as they contact each other. Also, people (and organizations too!) use this site both ways - to post giveaways AND needs!!
Foster this kind of love in your Church, & watch as The Lord Jesus Christ works wonders. Just use www.SeekOrServe.com to make your Church a place where EVERYONE meets needs through Jesus Christ, 24 hours a day, 365 days every year, in REAL-TIME, non-stop!
As you use www.SeekOrServe.com to UNLEASH everyone to become a 24/7 ministry, 24/7 outreach, & 24/7 advertising, marketing, & promotional force for your Church, growth will become literally UNSTOPPABLE!